Saturday, May 06, 2006

school rants

after my long easter break i went back to school this week. wasn't particulary looking forward to it after the last week before easter was a bit of a shocker. as it goes the week wasn't that bad. the first thing we worked out was that the 3 pgce's students were now only 2. christine the quite vocal (im)mature pgce student had quit/been kicked off the course. shame for her but i'm actually a bit relieved as she kind of grated on everyone, especially because she always tried to get one up on us as pgce students by going to exrta meetings and went on about the university email service EVERYDAY calling it 'Shy-he'. really hard to explain here but the email we have is from Swansea Institue of higher Education or SIHE for short, how exactly does that translate to 'SHY-HE'. hmm funny the things that grate on you,

One of the other characters at the school is a guy called rod. he's a long term supply at the school and likes to pass on advice. don't get me wrong he means well but when he has you, that's your lunch break gone. for me he turns every story into a teaching technique. i'll try to give you an example.

rod: so did you hear about that david blaine in underwater stunt? mad as a fish he is. do you get it 'cause he's in a goldfish bowl and fish are a bit mad. see you can say that at the start of a lesson. get the kids on your side.
steve: hmm yes rod. (What..??....??)

apparently david blaine's skin is peeling off in his 'drowned alive' stunt. i think everyone could have guessed that was going to happen. we've all seen what happens when we saty in the bath too long.

so yes. only 3 weeks til half term in school and counting down the days. as rod says "keep your head down sir (he always calls other teachers Sir or Miss- "How is Sir today?") it's all about survival.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

he sounds like fun. almost like one of my students.

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