Saturday, October 14, 2006

I read the news today oh boy, 320 holes in brecon, powys

And though the holes were rather small They had to dig them all...

as you might have noticed it all got a bit crazy there for a moment, what with the paparazzi chasing after night and day to get a comment on the now famous bronze age canoe (as seen in the times, bbc tonight, S4C news and yes lets not forget the metro). so they have sent us all away somewhere quiet now until the media frenzy has calmed down.

so my present job is a bit of a strange one but rather cool even if i do say so myself. for some unknown reason some bright spark decided that the gas pipeline should go through the brecon beacon national park, right across the mountain. so our job is to have a poke about to see if there is any archaeological remains up there. this involves spending the winter digging 320 1m square test pits all along a stretch of the brecon beacons. did i say that i loved this job. so we get to drive around in 4x4's up and downhill and dig in the most beautiful of landscape. certainly a nice walk back from work.

still living away though. although its not ages away from swansea it stil isnt possible to get out every day from home. so i get to live a weekend life in mumbles. which is probably the best time. there is a great local produce market across the road from us where lisa and i tried lots of samples of cheese and chutneys and bought the odd sausage and organic lamb burger. actually i just went back a bought the nicest stuffed vine leaves which i will hopefully save for lisa when i get back (otherwise she will read this and not be too pleased at all). and i get to chill out with my lovely wife each weekend without having to do any of that lesson preparation i had last year during my pgce. exactly what was i thinking-lots of teenagers and lesson prep vs the tranquility of the brecon beacons and the fame of bronze age boats?