Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Steve and lisa's di-zygotic monkeys

So here they are. Hot off the scan machine for you good few who still stop by here. These are exclusive, not for facebook shots. Well until we get to a computer anyway.

So obviously we were very shocked to say the least but extremely happy. A ready made family in one go. Well still a bit of preparation to go but that's just a detail.

But 13 weeks and both healthy. Both. Still can't quite believe it.

Twin 2

Twin 1

The twins

Friday, September 05, 2008

famous faces

I've been scanning stuff in for my family tree research this week so i took the opportunity to scan this in. i think i tried before but it didnt seem to work. i still find it strange looking at it. to explain: I did my MA at manchester this year so they sent me all the bunf including this. i must have had it for 2 months before lisa picked it up and asked why we were on the cover. we ha known nothing about it. some papperazzi had sneakily snapped us mid eifion joke telling. don't we looked the typical manchester student types!

Monday, August 18, 2008

the archaeology of archaeology

quick update or long waffle? maybe a mix. it's been a strange site that i've been digging on recently. today i dug out some lovely artifacts up from the long forgotton 1980's. crisp packets (cheese and onion) cigarette boxes and general detritus; all left over from a manchester university dig on the same site in wigan in about 1981. so we have the strange task of working out what are their holes and which are more ancient. well more industrial although there are a few roman things about and a lovely medieval thing. not sure what it is maybe i'll put a picture up and we can all guess. unfortunately i can only dig half of it as there is a concrete walkway on the other half. This didn't stop a local volunteer asking me ( after telling him i didn't know what it was) how big one of these typically was? In the words of my friend Screwy " whatever it is , it's a perfect example of its type.

in other news i finally got around to starting driving lessons. i plan to pass by christmas which i think is a realistic goal. if the money holds out. expensive game this driving. i'm actually quite enjoying. doesn't seem so hard.... i think.

as my facebook status has been stating i have recently been reliving the nineties. re watching seinfeld, nearly ( so nearly) completing sonic on the megadrive (some credit -or blame must go to mark payne) and giving some long forgotten indie bands another whirl. finding lisa's gamegear last week just topped off the revival. can you imagine , a gamegear with a tv tuner. civilisation should have stopped there.

mark (the main blogger these days it seems) oftens recommends in this spot so i'll try to follow his lead. on more 4 tomorrow (tuesday) there is a great film called 'teh devil and daniel johnston. all should definately tune in. a unique character. did i ever tell you about the time i used the urinal next to him in matt and phreds. maybe another time.

1980's archaeology pictures to follow. possibly

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

it's a hard rain's gonna fall / ring of fire

so i've been both rained and burnt off site today. I'm digging on the site of a tudor manor house near little hulton at present which is being used as an open cast coal mine. its also being used as a entertainment centre for all the scallies of the little hulton estates. before we got there we were warned but assured there was an evacuation plan in place in case we got 'set upon'. so apart from beiong greeted by a lot of rain on site today we were also told that we couldn't go anywhere near our site as scallies had set fire to about 30 tyres plus a couple of gas cylinders that had been cleared from the site.urban archaeaology eh. who said it wasn't as exciting as indiana jones.

in other news we are on the move again. not far this time. just another flat in levenshulme. a little cheaper and a little closer to the train station in the morning. we may be moving this weekend so you might get a call asking for some help.

i suppose i had better start packing then

Monday, April 14, 2008

visiting the great great grandparents

i'm sure lisa will tell you what a lovely weekend trip we had to wales. it was very much a trip into our family past. we ended up in llandudno, somewhere lisa went every year on holiday to when she was growing up. i maintain that it was my first visit but my parents will probably correct me and say "don't you remember we took you when you were 6 months old".

llandudno was actually very nice and just as lisa remembered Barnacles served some very nice fish, chips and gravy.

my trip family memories took the form of dragging lisa around the graveyards of north wales. yes she does know how lucky she is to have me. As you can see i visited my g g grandparents Edward and Elizabeth Wynne in the very small, very sheepy and very mined village of Rhesycae in Flintshire. We arn't really a family that visits graves so it was quite an experience to see these names that i had only seen on census's, carved in solid stone. so much of family tree stuff can be done online now that you forget sometimes about all the physical connections.

Intriguingly there were fresh daffodils on the grave (as you can see in the photo) which must mean someone connected is still around there.

there search continues......
in other news

Might be off digging on the Isle of Man soon. that should be interesting. although it will be hard to be away from lisa and home again.

listening to the laura imbruglia album a lot at the moment. i know you might think how good can it be, surely she's just copying her sister but it's actually really good. more alternative than natalie- great song called anarchists and lettuces about her vegan punk friends.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

"i'm hungry, i haven't eaten since later this afternoon"

2008 and no blog post yet. is it life getting dull or facebook taking over. maybe not dull but busy. back and to to chester everyday and to the 9-6 of ofsted for lisa. my work has kept me on my employment toes this year as what was meant to be one week of work has turned into a month so far and possibly another two months if a contract falls our way.

i'm only really writing this as i'm waiting for various problems to tell me just how riddled our pc is with spyware. would be nice if just one of them was to actually do something about it without asking for £30 first. this all started cause somebody tried the phish (with a ph like phat) my bank account. lukily they didn't get very far but it does give you a wake up call. i think i have aways approached in a low key, "i hope they don't notice my little pc" kind of thing.

the title of the post comes from the dvd i bought yesterday - Primer- an amazing low budget film about time travel. it has to be seen to be understood. then seen again, then maybe looked up on the internet. this morning i watched it for the 3rd time then again with the directors commentary over the top and i think i'm beginning to understand. maybe it's a boy thing