Thursday, December 31, 2009

Twenty ten

I remember this day twenty years ago watching the year click over from '89 to '90 on my world time/temperature casio watch. I thought that was so cool. Can you believe they based a watches' selling point around being to add on 2 hours to see what time it was in some part of eastern Europe. As I wasn't travelling too much when I was 11 the need to know the time in Tokyo was purely academic.
Zip forward 20 years and i'm now updating this blog on a little machine about the size of the Horace goes skiing tape I was waiting to load for most of 1989 on our dragon 64.

There are quite a few things I wouldn't have guessed 10 years ago at the turn of the last decade. Obviously 2 kids would be a bit surprising for my millenium self. One maybe but twins no. In 2000 I didn't even own a mobile phone, now I'm carrying around some futuristic gadgetry.

I probably wouldn't have guessed that my uni house mates friends band that he kept talking about would go on to be one of the biggest bands in the western world. What are they called again dave? Cold play?

I would've thought I might have finished reading the wheel of time series by now. The latest and 12th book just arrived in the post this morning. A recap of the last 13 years of Reading might be in order before I embark on that one.
All in all it's been a good decade. 2000 seems like yesterday when you say it but then you realise how much has happened in those 10 years. Ok I still my be only living a semi adult life (a house and a reliable career are just a couple of the social milestones I lack) but I'd say a beautiful wife and 2 amazing little people we created is pretty good going. Add to that about 6 years of digging some astounding (and some mundane) archaeology and I think i would be quite happy if I had a glimpse into the future 10 years ago.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone