Monday, April 14, 2008

visiting the great great grandparents

i'm sure lisa will tell you what a lovely weekend trip we had to wales. it was very much a trip into our family past. we ended up in llandudno, somewhere lisa went every year on holiday to when she was growing up. i maintain that it was my first visit but my parents will probably correct me and say "don't you remember we took you when you were 6 months old".

llandudno was actually very nice and just as lisa remembered Barnacles served some very nice fish, chips and gravy.

my trip family memories took the form of dragging lisa around the graveyards of north wales. yes she does know how lucky she is to have me. As you can see i visited my g g grandparents Edward and Elizabeth Wynne in the very small, very sheepy and very mined village of Rhesycae in Flintshire. We arn't really a family that visits graves so it was quite an experience to see these names that i had only seen on census's, carved in solid stone. so much of family tree stuff can be done online now that you forget sometimes about all the physical connections.

Intriguingly there were fresh daffodils on the grave (as you can see in the photo) which must mean someone connected is still around there.

there search continues......
in other news

Might be off digging on the Isle of Man soon. that should be interesting. although it will be hard to be away from lisa and home again.

listening to the laura imbruglia album a lot at the moment. i know you might think how good can it be, surely she's just copying her sister but it's actually really good. more alternative than natalie- great song called anarchists and lettuces about her vegan punk friends.