Monday, June 26, 2006

well, seems steve is keeping everone super updated, which is nice!
but from a lisa point of view: its all coming to a bit of an end here in swansea, the van is booked for next week to move our things back up to manc, although as steve is working in his new arch job, which is awesome, ill be doing the packing, moving and unpacking all on my lonesome. but im a little excited to drive a van. small things eh.
we have to find rox a home in the next week, its just so hard, its like giving a child away, its just awful. but its got to be done and im sure she'll be happy with whoever she ends up with, she's fickle, and if we find someone down here at least she will get to stay by the beach. which is more than can be said for me, grr!
so its stalyvegas for me, and steve ont he weekends. it will be fun, but cant help but be sad to be leaving here. it really is like nowhere else and i never believed this place would become home like it has when i came down 3 years ago. i dont know where else you'd find people like there are down here, maybe its the small city, everyone knows everyone thing, or maybe its the surf aged surf attitude, but it will be hard to leave.
but i am excited to move back north, just to hang out with old friends, find a new job, earn some money and hopefully build up the same group of randoms and misfits as ive had the pleaseure of spending my time with down here.
and due to my... well i dont know how to explain it, but after finishing my dissertation i fizzled out of uni, leaving me with 3 modules to complete by next april. this means i wont graduate until next summer, but i really dont mind, actually quite the opposite, i gives me an excuse to not technically leave swansea. my marks will be capped which is a shame but thats just the way it is, no point in worrying about it, it is what it is and i am what i am i guess and im absolutely ok with that!
so its a time of change. i hate change, im not afraid to admit it! but ill try to embrace it none the less.

1 comment:

Jonny Rotheram said...

OOoo ooo oooo one of my wisdom teeth has pushed it's little enameled head out!


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