Sunday, December 18, 2005

this term is history

not long til stevemas day now, i mean christmas day. sorry sometimes i forget who everyone is making the fuss over, and i seem to have just about made it to the end of term. of course i still have my essay to do but at least all the lessons are out of the way. i've actually learnt a whole lot of history myself this term. strange having to teach a topic one day that you have only learnt about yourself the night before. it's kind of good because i'm still interested in it myself when i'm passing it on to the kids, for example over the last couple of weeks i've taught about welsh pirates, how to attack a medieval castle, the american frontier and how america could have been named after a welshman rather than that italian guy (amerigo vespucci).

lisa and i have also decided it was time to step out of the country again so looked for which flights looked the cheapest and most interesting.we found out that apparently you can go all the way to the latvian capital Riga for about £30 return which is amazing really seeing as its just about in russia. so off we are going for a few days in january.

(just thought i'd make the post a bit christmasy)


Matthew Francis said...

Riga sounds tremendous. I'll just warn you ahead of time that Latvians REALLY don't stand whistling indoors.

I used to work for some Latvian lawyers, and learned the hard way that "it whistles all the money out."

Strange superstitions, those Latvians!

Jamie, Julie-Ann, Emily, Joel and Seth said...

Matt, just another experience to add to the young years of your life!!! Goes well with baking, working in a museum, studying in Britain, working with an iconographer ... the list goes on!

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