Thursday, May 28, 2009

3 pains

Granddad and granddaughter

Thursday, May 21, 2009

1 week pb (post babies)

so i'm guessing life has changed forever now. not that that is a bad thing just a new stage. a stage with less sleep and more poo. that would probably sum up the first week. we sometimes think we are getting the hang of it and getting into some sort of routine  but then last night the twins didnt agree and decided to take their time drinking. 

although i hadn;t planned topost lots of photos on the blog here it turns out that my auntie anna in cardiff has found her way here and therefore is a good place for my nonna and nonno to see pictures. I can also post blog post straight from my phone so quite conveniet all round. so expect to see many more gratuitous pictures of finn and evan with various family members.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

One of evan to even it out a bit

Finn being quiet

Thats not her foot just a sock covering a tube in hand

Finn the thinker


Today at rest


This is evan not long out go the open . Most pics are on camera not my phone to send so i'll take some more close ups today

Finn and evan

Here's some pics finn is on the left and evan on right.